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7 Best Bible Study Tips You Need

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Want to get more out of your Bible Study Time?

The Bible tells us that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

 "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8a).


And, we do this primarily when we come to Him in prayer and in His Word. In fact, the better we know the Bible, the better we can know God and what He is like, because the Bible is a book about Him! AND, when we know who He is and what He likes and doesn't like, our prayers can be more effective, because they will line up closer with His will. He promises to answer all our prayers according to His will:


“Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son" (John 14:13)


SO, how do we do this? Read more below to find out!

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7 Top Basic Bible Study Tips to help you get to know God better through His Word: 


  1. Context: This is important because each verse and passage was written at a specific time, for a specific audience, and a specific purpose. Scripture can never mean to us what it did not mean to its original audience. First, look up the time of writing, location, author, and recipients using your Bible study notes, Bible app, or even Google--just be careful of your sources there. Check out location and consider the cultural circumstances of the original hearers. A good study Bible can give clues to the themes and historical background information you need.​

  2. Genre: Determine what type of literature the book of the Bible is that your passage is from. The Bible is made of 66 smaller books including: history, poetry/wisdom, Gospel, epistle (letters), prophecy, and apocalyptic. Knowing the type of book you are reading will help you more correctly interpret its meaning (whether literal or figurative).

  3. Keywords: From your passage, look for important words, names, places, repeated phrases or themes, etc. and choose several words to explore further using a Bible dictionary, concordance, or Bible app. The original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts do not always have a perfect English equivalent word, so it helps to look up keywords to get their fuller meaning and better understand the text.

  4. Cross-References: Check your Bible's margins or a Bible app to find cross-references related to the passage you are reading, This is important, because Scripture interprets Scripture--meaning that similar passages throughout the Word can help you get a better understanding of the verses you are studying.

  5. Translations: As noted above, the original Hebrew and Greek texts of the Old and New Testaments do not always have a perfect word equivalent when translating into English or other languages. By reading other reputable Bible translations (such as ESV, KJV, NASB, NIV, Amplified), you can get a richer and deeper understanding of the passage. Some translations are written in a word-for-word style matching as closely to the exact words of the original texts as possible, while others are written in a thought-for-thought style helping you see the authors intended meaning. Try to stay away from paraphrases (such as the Message or Passion Translation) which insert more of the author's interpretation into the text. This is a huge topic, and it would benefit you to do more research on your own.

  6. Commentaries: Study Bible notes and reputable commentaries can be great sources of additional insight and information to help you grow in your understanding of the Bible. It's important to choose quality, reliable sources, and to always remember that these are just man's opinions and not on the level of authority which Scripture alone has. Also, it's best to do your own research first (as listed in the steps above), so you have a better idea of what the text is saying, before looking at what others say about it.

  7. Life Application: Scripture is God-breathed and is the only book that truly has the power to be transformative for our hearts, minds, and lives. But, it doesn't do us a lot of good to just gain head-knowledge without putting into practice what we've learned. Take some time to review your study notes, pray, and ask God how to best understand and apply what He has shown you. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and point you to Jesus when you seek to understand with your whole heart and mind.​


These tips are just a broad overview of how to study the Bible for better understanding and heart transformation. It's my passion to help people better understand God's Word and grow in faith, because I know what it's like to not know and to be easily swayed by false ideologies and "worldly wisdom". 


Because of this, I've created a FREE 5-Day Bible Study Tools Video Challenge that will help you put these tips into practice right away! With exact "how-to" examples using popular free Bible apps, you will be able to get more out of your study time each day. 


Get the FREE Challenge HERE!!​



Need more help in getting in your daily quiet time with God? Read 8 Tips HERE!

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